Can you even make money writing erotica in 2021? This is one of the most common questions I get asked I even asked this question back in 2014/2015 when I first started out. And every year since I started, someone has asked me this question. Now, to make a long story short, YES, you can […]
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How To Write An Erotic Sex Scene: 5 Strategies To Hook Readers
How to write an erotic sex scene – that’s something that is usually in the back of your mind when you’re writing erotica for the first time. I mean it sounds pretty weird, right? Write about two people doing it? What words should you even use? And how long should the scene be? And should […]

Erotica Story Outlines: How To Run Like A Well Oiled Machine
Erotica story outlines are absolutely necessary if you want to make passive income selling short stories on Amazon. Now, if you are not used to writing a lot, getting into the habit of writing 1,000 or even 2,000 words a day can be a very hard adjustment. However, it is absolutely necessary because publishing consistently […]

Erotica Writing Skills: Are They Needed To Make Money?
Erotica writing skills: do you really need them? One thing a lot of people ask me is if they need to be a “good” writer to make money writing erotica. In fact, a lot of people think they can’t compete with the established authors on Amazon because they didn’t go to school for writing. And […]

Crafting The Perfect Erotica Description on KDP
Crafting the perfect erotica description on KDP is super important. After someone finds your book through the search results and clicks through, the next thing they look at is your book description. As a result, it is imperative that your book description compels the person to smash that buy button. In fact, the description is […]

Coronavirus Erotica Strategy: Do This To Get Ahead
What should your coronavrius erotica strategy be? I’ve had a lot of people ask me about this, so I figured I would take some time to talk about this. Specifically, I want to discuss the impact of the coronavirus on erotica and what I think your strategy should be going forward. If you are safe […]

Losing Motivation To Write Erotica?
Ever feel like you are losing motivation to write erotica? It happens to everyone at some point in time. Maybe your new book launch didn’t do very well. Or maybe your sales have been down for the past week. It happens to the best of us. But what is important is to keep trucking along. […]

Dominating Small Niches on Amazon KDP: How To Own An Erotica Niche
One of the cool things about writing erotica is that you can dominate small niches on Amazon KDP. I found this out by accident when I first started writing erotica. When most people target niches, they tend to target very broad niches like BDSM. The BDSM niche is super big and really popular now because […]