So, someone recently asked me about bundling your books. In general, I am a big fan of bundling books for a few reasons.
First, it allows you to monetize old books that may not be selling anymore.
Second, it is another way for you to get discovered in Amazon’s search results.
The more ways you can be discovered, the better your sales will be.
Naturally, the question then becomes how many books should you bundle at a time?
Should it be 3 books? 10 books? 50? 100?
So this post will discuss how many books to bundle on Amazon to maximize sales.
My Story With Bundling…
Now, there’s no question that bundling can have a big impact on your sales.
When I started bundling about 2 years ago on my very first pen name, I noticed a very big increase in my sales.
I had been stuck in the $500 range for months and I couldn’t do anything to get higher.
And when I started bundling my books, my income started to skyrocket.
People started not only buying bundles (of my old stories), but some of my newer ones as well.
In fact, due to bundling, my income increased to $1,000 per month within that same year!
Sure, there are probably a lot of other erotica authors who make more than $1,000 per month, but it was a big deal for me.
How Many Books to Bundle?
Now when it comes to bundling, a big question a lot of people have is how many books they should bundle at a time.
Should you bundle 3 books? Should you bundle 10 books? What about 50 books?
Yes, I’ve seen a lot of authors release bundles for 50+ books.
So let’s start there.
In general, I’m not a big fan of those “mega bundles” for several reasons.
First, under Amazon’s pricing guideline, you can’t price books more than $9.99 with the 70% royalty plan.
So if you’re going to be bundling 50 books at a time, you’re practically giving them away for free.
Second, even if you chose the 30% option (and can price books much higher), your royalty rate will cut get in half. No Bueno!
Finally, most authors don’t have more than 50 books.
So if you bundle that many, you are likely bundling your entire catalog.
Now let’s go on the other side of the spectrum. I see some authors bundling 3 – 5 books at a time.
In fact, when I first started, that’s what I did. I’d bundle 3 – 5 books together and price them at $9.99 or less.
But my views on this have changed over time. Now, I like to bundle 7 – 10 stories at a time priced between $6.99 and $9.99.
I personally choose this range for several reasons.
First, the maximum KNEP for a book is 1,000. So if you bundle too many books at once, you won’t earn more reads beyond a certain point.
In essence, you’ll just be wasting books you could have bundled separately.
Second, with 7 – 10 stories at $6.99 to $9.99, you can price your books at a decent discount (but not too steep) from your single stories ($2.99) in order to entice readers to buy.
Final Thoughts on Bundling
Overall, bundling is a great way to make extra money as an erotica author.
Hopefully, this post helped you in deciding how many books to bundle at a time.
Readers, do any of you have any mega bundles? Or do you only bundle a few books at a time?
Let me hear your thoughts in the comments – or send me an email! I love hearing from you all.