The other day I sent an email out to my email subscribers all about my wonderful experience with Amazon KDP paperback books.
So today, I wanted to talk more about publishing paperback books – something I never thought I would do!
One subscriber asked why I liked to publish paperback books for all of my digital erotica stories.
There are 3 main reasons why I love creating them for my stories.
Overall, it is a good strategy to increase erotica sales!
So let’s get into this…
Better Pricing!
First of all, publishing a paperback book allows you to price them at a much higher price.
In general, paperback books will sell much higher than kindle books – for obvious reasons, mostly because of printing costs.
But even if you factor in the cost of printing paperback books, I still come out ahead on my books.
I generally price my paperback books at least twice of the digital kindle version.
So if the digital book is selling for $2.99, I’ll charge at least $5 bucks on the print version.
The way the royalty works is Amazon makes money off the printing cost. And then you split the royalty 60% in your favor after that.
For example, say you are selling a book for $10 bucks and the printing cost is $2 bucks.
Your royalty will then be $8 x 60% = $4.80.
The printing cost will depend on a variety of factors, including if you are printing color or just black/white, the type of paper, the size of the book, the binding material, etc.
It “Discounts” Your Kindle Books
The second thing that is really cool is when Amazon links your kindle and paperback books together, they will show the kindle price at a discount to the paperback price.
For example, if the kindle price is $9.99 and the paperback is $19.99, it’ll show the Kindle version as a 50% discount.
Pretty cool, right?
This plays into the consumer psychology. They think they are getting a better deal for this book.
Increase SEO Rankings
Finally, having a paperback book ensures your book will show up in 2 different searches – the kindle search in Amazon and the paperback search.
As an author, you want your book to show up in as many places at once (to get discovered).
So creating a paperback book greatly increases those odds.
It might not double those chances, but it’s better than nothing.
The better chance you have of being discovered, the better your sales will be!
Paperbacks: Single Stories vs. Bundles?
Another reader asked me a great question.
They wanted to know if they should create paperback books for their bundles or single stories, or both.
In general, I have only created paperback books for my bundles.
Since my short stories are well, short (less than 40 pages), I felt like it would be a little too short for a physical book.
However, I am now experimenting with creating paperback books for my standalone shorts.
I’m doing it with one of my new pen names (in Transparent Kindle Author).
So if you want to see the results of this little experiment, sign up for the course and see what it’s like!
Final Thoughts On KDP Paperback Book
Overall, I believe you can increase erotica sales with KDP paperback books for three reasons:
- It allows you to price your paperback books higher (and thus earn more money)
- Your kindle books will be priced at a “discount
- And finally, it will increase your Amazon search rankings
To create a paperback book on Amazon you first need to publish the Kindle version.
Then, go into your bookshelf and then select the book and hit “create paperback.”
P.S. if you want to learn more about creating paperback books, check out the Erotica Academy Course. I go into a lot of detail about how I create my paperback books.