Getting to $1,000 monthly passive income writing erotica is a big deal. When I first started out, I really had no goals. Then I made $190 my first month.
After that, things started to take off and I had a goal to make $1,000. It took me about 12 long months to make my goal. I hovered around the mid $900 to high $900 range for a few months, before I finally made it over the hump.
I still remember that day. It was a great feeling!
How long to $1,000 a month passive income
A few people have asked me how long it takes to get to $1,000 month passive income. Well, it really depends. Again, it took me about a year to get there.
Since I’m a pretty crappy writer, I’m sure many of you will surpass that accomplishment much faster than me. I’ve learned a lot about writing erotica over the past year.
If I would put a timetable, 2 – 4 months is a little bit of a stretch. In my opinion, it will likely take 5 – 10 months to get to $1,000 monthly passive income publishing short erotica eBooks.
How to make $1,000 publishing Erotica on Amazon
Let’s go over the economics of getting to $1,000 monthly passive income.
I like to break down bigger goals into much smaller manageable goals. $1,000 monthly income turns out to be ~$33 in sales per day.
If you sell your book for $2.99 (under the 70% Amazon royalty option), you will net around $2 per sale.
In other words, to get to $1,000 monthly passive income, you will need $33 in daily sales or 16.5 units. That sounds much easier to accomplish than $1,000 a month!
In general, I would say a catalog of 40 – 50 books should be able to get you to the $1,000 a month range.
If you publish six times a month (which comes out to be every 5 days), you should be able to reach 30 – 35 books within 6 – 8 months.
During the beginning of my erotica self publishing career, I published around 12 – 14 books a month.
The erotica eBook sales curve
It is very hard to reach $1,000 a month for the first time. However, after you get there, it is very easy to sustain. All you need to do is get over the initial bump.
Now, I’m going to let you in on a secret to get to $1,000 monthly sales. It’s hard to get there with just single stories.
The sales of a single story will deteriorate over time. The best sales for any book will likely be in the first 2 weeks of its life.
That’s true for most media content whether it be movies, music/songs, and traditional books. Now, there are very clever and easy ways to extend the life of your book and generate sales from old content. I go over them in detail in my Erotica Passive Income Course.
One of the great secrets to getting to $1,000 monthly passive income is bundling. ‘
In general, the initial sales bump of bundles last longer than single stories. This is because they are longer pieces of work and are often offered at a discount to readers.
Plus, you can run great promotions with your bundles to your newsletter subscribers.
Niche size matters
Another important factor that determines your ability to reach $1,000 monthly passive income is the size of your erotica niche.
One of the first things I teach in my erotica course is picking a good niche. You won’t be successful if you are writing in a crappy niche.
If you pick a niche that is too small, you’ll never be able to scale and make it to $1,000 monthly sales. Alternatively, you don’t want to pick a big niche that is way to0 competitive. Your book will get lost in the sea of Amazon search results.
There’s a fine balance to play around with.
That being said, you can get to $1,000 monthly sales in most of the largest erotica niches. The question then becomes how fast you can get there.
Be a consistent publisher!
Other than picking a good niche, the next best advice I can give you is this: don’t give up; be a consistent publisher!
In my experience, most self published writers give up WAY too early. Most of them quit right before things are about to take off.
I know it can be hard in the beginning. You put in all the hard work of writing books and no one seems to be buying them.
It takes a little bit of time. You just have to be patient. No one becomes an overnight self publishing success no matter what anyone else tries to tell you.
As I have said many times before, it is far better to publish one story every week than to publish 4 stories and then take a month off.
If you do that, your readers will forget about you. Readers that like your books will want more. If you don’t publish for a while they may forget about you and your sales momentum will tank!
Reach $1,000 monthly passive income faster
If you want to learn how to reach $1,000 monthly passive income faster, be sure to check out my Ultimate Erotica Passive Income Course.
I’ll teach you how to pick niches, design great covers, and write blurbs that will get customers to buy.
Not only that, but you’ll learn multiple sales hacks to INCREASE sales without doing any work at all!
It took me a long time to get to $1,000 monthly passive income, but I’m sure many of you can get there faster with this course.
And as an added bonus, I will provide a FREE personal consultation for your first book! That’s right! I will personally read your first book (up to 5,000 words) and offer critique on the story, the book cover, the blurb, and your keywords!
I usually charge $300+ for this service, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity!