When I first started writing erotica, I actually used Microsoft Word. It was a very painful process and I’m glad I moved on.
Word served me well during college, but when you’re trying to make money publishing erotica stories online, you need to move up to the big leagues.
That’s where Scrivener comes in. Like Microsoft Word, it is a word processing tool. However, the similarities stop there. Here’s my Scrivener review.
The need for Scrivener
One of the biggest challenges of any self-published author is formatting!
Have you ever turned on Kindle preview mode for a new short story you just spent 5 hours on and noticed little things that aren’t good?
…maybe the paragraph indents are too far in. Maybe the bullet points don’t format correctly. Or maybe there are just weird line spaces that seem all over the place!
Check out what happens when you put an unformatted Microsoft Word document through Kindle preview:
As erotica authors, we are dependent on volume to make our money. The faster you can write and publish stories, more money you’ll make!
That’s why I’m a big fan of cutting excess time. As you saw above, the unformatted Word document just looks horrible on the eyes.
Readers aren’t going to stick around to read your stories and you’ll lose out on BIG sales!
Scrivener will fix these issues ASAP.
Not only that, but it is a great tool to really boost productivity. I spend 30% LESS time formatting little issues once I got Scrivener. That really boosted my bottom line!
Check out how wonderful Scrivener formats your eBooks without any hassle or hair pulling headaches!
The amazing thing is that Scrivener is very cheap (like really cheap!).
It actually costs less than $50 and it is only a one-time license payment (no pesky ongoing subscription fee!).
50 bucks for something that can boost your productivity by over 30%? That’s sounds pretty amazing!
If you price your books at $2.99 (which you should) you’ll only need to sell 25 books in order to pay for the cost of Scrivener.
You can easily sell 25 books in the course of a few days. The payback period for Scrivener is insanely low.
In fact, you’d be crazy not to get it! You can’t afford not to buy it!
3 reasons to get Scrivener
By far Scrivener is the best tool to help you make more money writing erotica. It saves time, and actually really boosts productivity. One of the really simple features actually helps me write 2,000 words in about an hour!
Here are 3 BIG reasons why you should get Scrivener right away!
1. Saves time!
Formatting sucks. In fact, at work I’m always reminded of how the office documents are supposed to be formatted.
This has to be colored a certain way or this has to be a particular font. It really annoys the hell out of me to be honest.
I just like writing, not doing the “pretty” stuff. I just want to churn out short erotica stories, not have to worry about if my paragraphs are looking weird for my customers when they’re reading it on Kindle.
Scrivener is specifically designed for self-published authors in mind. The software integrates very well with most self-publishing platforms (such as Amazon’s KDP or Barnes and Noble’s Nook).
Whenever I scan through my book in Kindle after exporting it from Scrivener I rarely see any glaring formatting errors.
But for word, I have to keep fixing everything. It seems like every time I fix one issue I cause another one!
Let me tell you: fixing something in word, uploading the new document to KDP, and then waiting for it to load so you can preview it is a really tedious (and time consuming) process.
This whole annoying cycle can take 3+ minutes for every mistake! You can cut all of that wasted time with Scrivener.
2. Write 2,000 words in an hour!
When I was younger, I would always try to make my chores into games. One thing I did was see how fast I could wash the dishes or do laundry.
That’s why I’m a big fan of the Scrivener project target toolbar. Basically, it’s a toolbar you can set that will track your word count.
Say you want to write a 15,000 word book. And you want to break it up into 2,000 word sessions. This will really allow you to concentrate and it turns writing into a fun game.
I love using the Scrivener toolbar and it’s helped me write 10,000 word books in a matter of days! It really is a simple hack to write faster.
In fact, I did a little experiment the other day. I wrote for two hours. For the first hour, I wrote without the Scrivener toolbar help.
For the second hour, I turned it on to track my goal.
Ready to see the results?
In the first hour (without the toolbar), I wrote 1,600 words.
In the second hour (WITH the toolbar), I wrote 2,000 words!
I increased my productivity by 25% just using one hack!
3. Auto save
I want you to picture something. You just left to take a shower or run an errand.
When you come back, you realize that your computer just restarted through a feared windows update! And guess what? You didn’t save any of your documents!
You just wasted hours of work for nothing!
Well, that’s what happens when you depend on Microsoft Word to publish your books.
Scrivener is very reliable (unlike word sometimes). I have never had Scrivener crash on me and totally lose parts of an important story (so annoying!)!
What is amazing is that Scrivener will actually auto save just in case you accidentally exit out of the program or your computer crashes. It keeps my documents safe and I always appreciate it.
Final Thoughts
Overall, Scrivener is a really great tool and in my opinion (after writing 100+ ebooks), the best way for self publishing erotica authors to make money online.
You can’t afford not to buy this amazing tool! It literally pays for itself after a week of sales.
Click here to get Scrivener on Mac!
Click here to get Scrivener for PC/Windows!